Peter Levine

“Pain is trapped sensation.” How nervous system work can help heal chronic pain

2024-04-20T12:39:14-07:00Pain & Chronic Illness|

Do any of the following statements resonate with you? “I kept getting physio, acupuncture, and massage. But it wouldn’t go away.” “You go to physio, you feel a bit better, you think you’re on the mend, you start doing stuff, and then the pain just comes back full [...]

Want to Become a Master Somatic Practitioner? Here’s What It Will Take.

2024-04-20T16:13:23-07:00Trauma & Survival Physiology|

A doctor goes to medical school.  A lawyer goes to law school.  A master somatic practitioner goes to…there’s really no equivalent in the worlds of somatic healing, working with trauma, and nervous system health. Yet.  I’m working on changing that!  But for those considering this path, I want [...]