New Space
On March 1st I will be entering into a very new, exciting and “holy shit this is really happening!” phase of my life.
I’ve got a brand spanking new space in downtown Vancouver in the Duncan Building.
Suite 313, 119 West Pender Street to be exact. Here’s a visual.
In many ways I’m starting from scratch, and in many ways, this is merely a continuation from where I left off in 2000.
New City
I grew up and went to university here. I still have amazing childhood friends in Vancouver that I see on a regular basis.
I’ve got new friends waiting to be discovered.
I also have oodles of business contacts from my days as a fitness trainer and exercise therapist.
Collaborations and workshops here we come!
When the Winter Olympics came through town in 2010, Vancouver did some serious growing up as a city and it has sprouted rather nicely since then. After all you can’t go wrong with mountains, ocean and urban landscape. I look forward to becoming embedded into its roots.
New Last Name
I’ve got a new last name, Lyon.
I LOVE it. (thanks for that Seth!) It is part of me now and I can’t shake it. Nor do I want too. Also, it’s so much easier to make a reservation over the phone!
New Website Coming
The Human Groove dot com is going to change over to Irene Lyon dot com. It’s simpler and my services and offerings are going to be unique to me.
New Professional Title
A few weekends ago I had the fortune of doing a game changing weekend workshop with the amazing Marie Forleo. Her, along with 25 other glowing entrepreneurs helped me figure out the, “what the heck do I call myself” piece. This has been plaguing me for a long time, and it got resolved in that weekend.
and the new title is….drum roll please…..
Body Scientist. I’m a body scientist.
I’ve never liked the title “healer” or “therapist” or “Practitioner of Feldenkrais and Somatic Experiencing.”
It was a perfect match to go with my extensive schooling in the sciences (health, biomedical, exercise) along with my training in two body-mind-based modalities (Feldenkrais Method & Somatic Experiencing) of which I practice.
Stay Tuned and See You Soon!
Irene Lyon, Your Body Scientist.