I think it goes without saying that my scope of practice and all the levels of learning and big healings that take place for my students within my online hallways are 100% natural. My students are capitalizing on the human system’s innate capacity to heal and thrive, even in the most intense and unfavourable of circumstances of chronic illness, supreme fatigue, and complex PTSD. (But, please know one does not have to be at death’s door to benefit from this work; if anything, the sooner you start learning about and improving your nervous system health, the better!!)
Said another way: When it comes to all natural and ‘from the earth’ solutions, I’m all for them, and am constantly learning how to bring more of this to my own world and to yours.
Today’s interview is with two good friends (once students of mine) who are naturopathic doctors. If you’ve been following me for over a year now, you might have caught my first interview chat with Chelsea and Mason of The Health Creation Lab, all on Naturopathic Medicine 101, and this week, I have a round two for you!
In this recent chat we focus on the topics of terrain theory and hydrotherapy (one of my favourite forms of self-care!), and we riff on all things ‘natural healing.’
I hope you enjoy this meandering conversation with The Health Creation Lab.
Irene's Musings
This was a popular share on my social feeds a couple of weeks back, so I had to share it with you here ..

And here was the caption:
‘Tis a tricky beast this rewiring – of the nervous system and neurobiology – stuff!
It can bring confusion from time to time. You might think you are doing something wrong.
So, if you ever feel a little dis-oriented, like an odd feeling that you aren’t yourself, BUT YOU ACTUALLY FEEL CALM, BIOLOGICALLY, that could very well be a sign that you have a level of safety you’ve never felt before, and it feels really weird.
This is good. Trust it. Keep learning, healing, and repeating the process.
(Remember: when the system was wired to be ramped up and afraid since in utero and beyond, getting to feel smaller flickers of regulation can be terrifying, even when it is what you technically want to heal and thrive. This is why so many people stop the process, and go back to the past way of being.)
Here’s to creating REAL safety on all fronts!
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Extra Resources to Complement the Vlog:
VIDEO: My first interview with Chelsea and Mason – Naturopathic Medicine 101 with the Health Creation Lab
VLOG: My Health Regimen
VLOG: Healing from toxins & detoxing with zeolite (interview with Eddie Stone)
ARTICLE: Hydrotherapy benefits
ARTICLE: Metabolic health and brown adipose tissue (male study)
ARTICLE: About brown adipose tissue
BOOK: Hydrotherapy principles from a naturopathic lens
SCIENTIFIC STUDY: Microbiome study of Yanomami peoples from South America