Hello folks!
Truth be told, I’ve been downplaying the power of my online courses, until now.
Why have I been downplaying them, you may ask?
It takes time to build up enough evidence and real-life stories and shares to finally say:
This stuff really works.
Now, this stuff is not a magic bullet, and it won’t replace healthy lifestyle habits like eating whole clean food, fresh air, exercise, sunlight, good relationships, and so on, but, I can confidently say, nervous system health and healing IS an essential component for our well-being, healing dysfunction, and restoring regulation to our system.
Take for example Elisabeth (her pic is just below).
I e-met her around this time last year, when she had shared a lovely letter about her healing journey with me and my team. (I did a video reading her letter here.)
Then, we did an interview chat so we could meet, and she could share more of her journey. And then, just the other week, she shared this DM with me while on holiday with her husband (and I’ve shared here with her permission):

What I absolutely LOVE about right now is that there are enough people out there, over ten thousand to date, who have tested out my ‘crazy’ online ways of teaching people how to become their own medicine via non-dumbed down education and practical neurosensory exercises, and these people are living (and thriving) to tell their tales.
When something works with longevity, we know we have something important to pay attention to.
It’s been two years since Elisabeth started her journey with my online course, the 21 Day Nervous System Tune-Up. Hear her story now.
Plus, one picture she shared from the top of the mountain she climbed up!!

The mountains of Norway
This is a reminder to everyone here: your body wants to heal and it wants to be well. It just needs the right solution, and of course, the desire to put in the work and to not look back.
If you are new here, and you don’t quite understand how this stuff works, this video and ebook about the stages of neuroplastic healing are great places to begin.