A run-down of my 12-week nervous system rewire program: zero hype, just the facts.

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1. What you get

> Pre-Game Video Series: a 5-part series designed to help you start strong before the first week begins by addressing things like resistance, rest, food, exercise, and scheduling (or not).

> Core Curriculum: 10 modules (or “labs” as we like to call them) give you a blend of education and practical exercises. Video trainings, readings, plus our signature audio ‘neurosensory’ exercises make up each module, and will start you off on your nervous system apprenticeship.

> The Biology of Stress Video Training: a 5-part video training (peppered through the 10 labs) that looks deeper into what ‘stress’ really is at a biological level; how we are wired from the start; and what must happen to rewire, regulate, and build resiliency for lasting health & vitality.

> Neurosensory Exercises: 36 unique, practical exercises that range in length from 10-30 minutes and blend Somatic Experiencing (the work of Peter Levine), Somatic Practice (the work of Kathy Kain), and Feldenkrais (the work of Moshé Feldenkrais).

> Training Calls: 9 weekly ‘lectures’ led exclusively by me, Irene, via Zoom* that combine ‘theory-focused’ nervous system education with real-life examples to suit the moment and prompts to stay embodied along the way, plus 2 types of handouts per call.

> Live Curated Q&A Calls: weekly Q&A sessions led by my colleague and husband, Seth Lyon and Team Lyon professionals, via Zoom*. Questions are submitted prior to the call, and we select a variety of questions to suit our membership and optimize the group learning process.

*All calls (lessons + Q&As) are recorded and available after the event, along with written transcripts and audio only versions for every call, to suit your diverse learning styles.

> In-Program Support: throughout our live session and for an extra 4 weeks after we complete the curriculum, all questions around your personal SBSM learning experience are answered directly on our platform by our team of nervous system practitioners.

> Additional Resources, Bonuses & Post-SBSM Prompts: a selection of specially curated nervous system and somatic-focused ‘extras’ that include articles, video interviews, original healing music, access to ‘21 Day Tune-Up,’ pre-recorded movement lessons with my teaching partner and colleague Elia Mrak, and integration prompts to keep you learning & healing.

> Lifetime Membership: you can rejoin and repeat the program with your peers and new members for as long as this program exists. This helps to continue the learning and deepen your personal practice and process. As a lifetime member and alumni, you’ll also receive free of charge updates to new material created for future versions of SBSM.

> A Real-Time ‘Container’ of Shared Learning & Healing: significant shifts and changes can happen when a group is dedicated to the same cause and is there, in real-time, supporting one another, and cheering each other on. Combined with the freedom to self-pace, it’s a potent mix!

More syllabus info (and a ‘behind the scenes’ video tour of the program platform) HERE >


2. How it works

SBSM typically runs live twice a year, for a period of 12 weeks, with one round beginning in February and another in September. Registration opens for one week only ahead of each live session. 

New members registering for SBSM get instant access to the program platform, but then each of the 10 “Labs” (or modules) is released over the course of the 12 weeks, with 2 weeks of rest/integration included in the regular pacing. But there is no pressure to complete the entire program in these 12 weeks. 

In fact, you are actively encouraged and supported to move through the program at your own pace (and part of the learning process is getting to grips with what that really means for you and your system). Rule of thumb: the slower, the better.

As mentioned above, active moderation (aka: answering questions in the Q&A sections that are available for each piece of the program, as well as general Q&A support) continues throughout the 12 weeks, and for an additional 4 weeks after each live round. After their first live session, new members become alumni and have lifetime access to all the learning material offered within the program platform. 

Because this work is meant to be done slowly and over a long period of time, we encourage alumni to re-join future live rounds of the program in order to repeat or continue the curriculum. 

Most alumni don’t complete the whole curriculum in their first round. In fact, many people take several rounds to move through all the material, and even then will continue to re-join the live sessions, repeating and re-integrating the learning and practices on the road to self-mastery.

Explore some of our many SBSM alumni success stories HERE >


3. Why it’s different

I don’t want to sound like this is THE “one” program, because it’s not. There ARE other things out there. But I DO want to remind everyone that SmartBody SmartMind isn’t just one thing. 

It is blending the work of Peter Levine (Somatic Experiencing), the work of Kathy Kain & Stephen Terrel around Somatic Practice and resilience and regulation specific to working with early and developmental trauma AND bringing in the work of Dr Moshé Feldenkrais (I like to call it Feldenkraisian learning). It’s really a blend of all these elements I’ve learned from these pioneers of the healing, somatic, neuroplasticity, mind-body-environment world.

And there is something interesting when we go back to the roots of…

‘What did our bodies need when we were young?’
‘What are the capacities that we don’t have?’
‘Can we sense ourselves?’
‘Can we sense the environment?’

So much of ‘just’ doing that puts a lot of stuff in good alignment.

Not to say that you might not work with an IFS practitioner or an SE practitioner or an energy worker or a psychic or a bodyworker or a shaman or a priest to have a talk about things. 

But when you can have this biology on board all those other things just fall into place in a much, much easier way. 

Have some more questions? I address our most frequently asked questions HERE >

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At the end of the day, SmartBody SmartMind™ is about (slowly, sustainably, consistently) changing the way you LIVE, and that change begins with these first 12 weeks. For next registration dates, pricing details, and more, head over to smartbodysmartmind.com >