Today’s share is inspired by another question from a member of my online community:

“Is it okay to continue to do trauma work while pregnant?”

This video is the answer to this question.

Important note: As my team and I are not doctors, psychiatrists, or medical professionals, we can’t make any guarantees around specific health conditions improving, or how your pregnancy may be affected, or not. 

That being said… Overall, we see processing old, stored trauma BEFORE having children as a highly beneficial thing to do. 

And – besides the fact that we might need more rest, and time to recover and integrate, due to the increased physiological demands of pregnancy – the general “rules of thumb” for working with the nervous system while pregnant are not all that different than what they normally are: 

Go slow, don’t push yourself, and take lots of breaks!

WATCH: ‘Can we do trauma work while pregnant?’ for more info* 

*And check out the resources linked in the video description, if you want to dive a bit deeper still.

PS If you’re a parent, parent-to-be, caregiver, someone who works with children, or even parents in a professional capacity, or you’re planning to have children in the future… and you have not yet seen our free masterclass on ‘Better Parenting Via Nervous System Health,’ then you might want to get that into your ‘to watch’ queue as well. Learn more and access the replay here.

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References & resources to complement this video: 

How to build somatic and nervous system capacity 

Titration explained: never rush trauma healing 

The ABCs and 123s of Nervous System Regulation 

Birthing babies the way nature intended with Dr. Erika La Vella, DO.