
How to Live Longer with Less Sickness PART 3: 7 Ways To Become Your Own Medicine

In the first part of this 3 part series I spoke about the importance of not scaring yourself into survival energy states 24/7, especially when there is no real, imminent threat coming at you. I dove into the importance of learning how to listen to your stress chemistry so [...]

2024-04-26T19:39:33-07:00Pain & Chronic Illness|

How To Live Longer with Less Sickness. Part 2: The Goldilocks Nature of Cortisol.

In Part 1 of this series, How To Live Longer with Less Sickness, I wrote about the importance of not scaring yourself into stress reactivity 24/7 and becoming more aware when it does happen. If you haven’t read this piece, I’d start HERE, and then come back to [...]

How To Live Longer with Less Sickness. PART 1: Stop Scaring Yourself!

I love learning. Last week I shared a success with you. A participant in one of my programs who improved her blood chemistry, decreased pain by 90% and reduced inflammation...all by focusing on one thing: reducing the over-activation of the autonomic nervous system. I want to dive further [...]

Anger As Medicine: How to Cure Self-Sabotaging Behaviours

“People diagnosed with cancer or autoimmune disease, with chronic fatigue or fibromyalgia, or with potentially debilitating neurological conditions, are often enjoined to relax, to think positively, to lower their stress levels. All that is good advice, but impossible to carry out if one of the major sources is [...]

2024-04-29T15:17:20-07:00Anger & Healthy Aggression|

5 tell tale signs that your coaching clients have undiagnosed trauma (and what you can do to help them heal from it)

The transformational industry is HOT right now. There are so many coaches and wellness professionals out there who want to make a difference by helping their clients improve their lives, relationships and businesses. The act of helping others is humanity at its finest. But too many coaches get [...]