
2 Little Known Facts to Help You Calm Down When You’re Overwhelmed

After working with clients, both in my practice and in my online courses, I’ve come to see that overwhelm and emotional angst are a MASSIVE problem in our culture. Have you heard this saying: “What we resist persists”? This is so important when it comes to helping [...]

Trouble losing weight? Got an addiction? (Origins of *The ACE Study*)

. This is... "An unconscious solution to unrecognized problems dating back to childhood." -- Vincent Felitti, the discoverer of The Adverse Childhood Experiences Study, aka: The ACE Study . This unconscious solution is carrying excess body fat. We're at that time in the year when health and wellness professionals and [...]

This is an important dose of medicine… You in?

The medicine I’m talking about? Feeling. And by feeling, I don't just mean emotions. I mean being able to really FEEL your body, your sensations, your insides: what your biology is up to. So many folks are trying to shift, transform and change their stuff -- their harmful [...]

Do You Know Where Your Sixth Sense Lives? (It’s Not Where You Think!)

. Do you know where your sixth sense lives in your body? In this video, I give you a mini crash course in what many think is "airy-fairy-woo-woo" stuff. :) I think you'll be surprised to realize that this sense is actually something that lives in every single one [...]