The double-edged sword of Rx meds for “healing” ADD with Selden Beylouni

2024-07-06T14:47:11-07:00Chemical Trauma & Detox, Healing Trauma, Healthy Nervous System Lifestyle, Mental Health & Neuroplasticity, Nervous System Health, Nervous System Resiliency, Parenting & Child Development, pharmaceuticals, Trauma & Survival Physiology|

Today, I’ve got a NEW interview with SBSM alum, Selden Beylouni to share and it is JUICY. :) So set aside some time for this one, grab a cuppa, and dive into our multi-layered chat! A few highlights from our conversation: Selden’s “long-term relationship” with stimulant meds (and [...]

How to help anxious kids who are behaving ‘badly,’ with Stephen Terrell

2024-04-20T15:59:04-07:00Parenting & Child Development, Practitioners & Professionals|

I’m re-sharing an important interview featuring my wonderful mentor and colleague, Stephen Terrell. Here’s what we’ll cover: What this ‘bad’ behaviour actually is from a nervous system perspective. Why attempts to fix or change this behaviour are often futile (and what parents can do instead!). Why even parents [...]

The Other Shade of Dualism: “Multi-Dimensionalism” – I Re-Visit Gabor Maté’s Writings and Get Comfortable with Ambiguity (yet again).

2024-04-26T22:39:32-07:00Irene's Musings, Mental Health & Neuroplasticity, Movement. Awareness., Nervous System Resiliency, Unabriged Musings: Anecdotes from personal life|

Click here to re-tweet "The other shade of dualism: "Multi-Dimensionalism." Black - White.  Sick - Not Sick. Happy - Unhappy. Health - Unhealthy. Function - Dysfunction. Flexible - Stiff. Introvert - Extrovert. Mind - Body. now you try.... Something goes here. Something goes there. I'm THIS. I'm THAT. This dualistic way of [...]