gut health

A deep dive into hormonal health (for the ladies) with Kitty Martone

2024-04-30T13:45:57-07:00Practitioners & Professionals, Special Topic Lectures & Q&As|

Hello friends,  If you’ve been around for a  year or so with me, you may recognize my guest today, Kitty Martone, aka: Healthy Gut Girl.  Last year, I had Kitty on my channel to talk about all things gut health and sleep, and we touched on hormonal health. [...]

Healthy guts, hormones, sleep & a lot more with Kitty Martone

2024-04-30T14:07:56-07:00Practitioners & Professionals, Special Topic Lectures & Q&As|

Most of you probably don’t know this, but before I got into nervous system work, healing trauma, and all things neuroplasticity, I majored in exercise and biomedical science, as well as applied human nutrition (all these details are on my about page).  I studied nutrition and all the [...]

Going carnivore & healing with Sarah Kleiner (aka Carnivore Yogi)

2024-04-21T19:23:57-07:00Practitioners & Professionals, Special Topic Lectures & Q&As|

Hi folks! Got another special guest interview for you today, and it might be a dicey one for some, but let’s go with it, and learn about this unique story of healing, shall we?  Meet Sarah Kleiner (aka carnivore yogi).  Sarah’s story is all about healing cellular inflammation [...]

Magic For Your Gut-Brain Connection: With Elinor Silverstein

2024-04-26T20:35:36-07:00Mental Health & Neuroplasticity, Practitioners & Professionals|

. What I love the most about my work of paving new pathways for healing and transformation is being able to collaborate and learn from other people who are doing exactly the same thing. Meet Elinor Silverstein. She is a pure gem and,  just like me, she is fully committed [...]