stored survival stress

An Epidemic of Chronic Illness: How Stress, Trauma & Adversity Early in Life Impacts Our Capacity to Heal

2024-04-26T19:38:27-07:00Nervous System Health, Pain & Chronic Illness|

Are you that person who has tried dozens of therapies and treatments? Can you relate to trying a gazillion different cleanses and elimination diets (plus every kind of mind-body technique under the sun)? Do you still find yourself struggling with tricky to treat symptoms and wondering if you’ll [...]

How to Live Longer with Less Sickness PART 3: 7 Ways To Become Your Own Medicine

2024-04-26T19:39:33-07:00Pain & Chronic Illness|

In the first part of this 3 part series I spoke about the importance of not scaring yourself into survival energy states 24/7, especially when there is no real, imminent threat coming at you. I dove into the importance of learning how to listen to your stress chemistry so [...]

Why post-traumatic stress and chronic pain lands in some people, and not others.

2024-04-26T20:00:06-07:00Nervous System Health, Pain & Chronic Illness|

. Imagine you have two people who both get into an identical, and minor, fender bender (car accident). >> Person A walks away with zero post-traumatic stress - no chronic pain, no lasting whiplash, no fear to drive and get back behind the wheel. They go back to their [...]