Scroll down for the YouTube video (and we do recommend reading the mini-article here for context).

I’m sharing a NEW interview chat with a very special guest whose story is a testament to the fact that when we decide to heal ourselves, we open the door to true healing for our kiddos. 

Meet Dani. 

She’s a member of my SmartBody SmartMind program and the mother of 12-year-old twin girls.

In our chat, we talk about:

  • Dani’s difficult pregnancy and birth experience and how these early stressful events continued to show up throughout her twins’ early years in the form of anxiety, OCD, and meltdowns. 
  • The challenges and small wins Dani’s experienced along the way as she moves through the online programs I’ve created. 
  • How this work has completely transformed the way Dani attunes and responds to her girls. 

Click on the video to hear her story.

To all the parents out there, thank you for being here reading this. It matters. I truly hope something in Dani’s story sparks some courage to start or continue your own healing journey.