
Birthing babies the way nature intended with Dr. Erika La Vella, DO.

Ever wonder what it takes to create, birth, and raise trauma-free, healthy humans?  That’s what we’ll cover (and so much more!) in today’s NEW vlog with Dr. Erika La Vella, DO: Birthing Babies the Way Nature Intended.  Erika is a medical doctor and surgeon by trade, who recently [...]

How to properly use breath when healing trauma and the nervous system

I have a short video for you on an important nervous system health basic—the breath (and how to use it properly when healing trauma at the nervous system level). There is SO much misinformation out there right now surrounding this topic in the mind-body healing world, so I [...]

Moving away from diet dogmas to seasonal and biological eating – with expert guest Sarah Kleiner

I’ve got an expert guest interview for you today with certified Nutrition and Quantum Health Coach Sarah Kleiner of Sarah Kleiner Wellness (formerly the Carnivore Yogi).  As her recent rebrand suggests, Sarah isn’t one to shy away from personal evolution and following her impulse.  The first time we [...]

What real cellular hydration & mitochondrial health is all about – with Carrie Bennett

I have a very special expert guest interview for you with the lovely (and well-informed) Carrie Bennett. She’s a quantum clinician with a ton of important knowledge to share.  You may have caught our chat earlier this year about the importance of sunlight and how it impacts our [...]