Pain & Chronic Illness

Chronic syndromes, success stories relating to specific diagnoses

The REAL Polyvagal Theory (how childhood stress can create chronic illness)

2024-10-24T14:32:37-07:00Healing Trauma, Nervous System Regulation, Pain & Chronic Illness, Polyvagal Theory|

There is a virtual circus of misinformation in ‘somatic’ spaces these days.  It’s become such a problem that I now try to avoid using the word ‘somatic.’ Sad, but true! It's been so overused (anyone else sick & tired of hearing the word somatic?) and its meaning so [...]

Why we can’t heal chronic illness by improving our food supply alone

2024-10-18T05:56:37-07:00Chemical Trauma & Detox, Healthy Nervous System Lifestyle, Nervous System Regulation, Pain & Chronic Illness|

There’s a growing movement to “Make America Healthy Again” by improving our food, air, water, and even medicine.  It's well-intentioned — and much needed.  But here’s the inconvenient truth: Even when we make all the “right” lifestyle choices, many of us still struggle with fatigue, anxiety, digestive issues, [...]

A jaw-dropping passage in Bessel van der Kolk’s book, “The Body Keeps The Score”

2024-09-06T10:57:26-07:00Irene's Musings, Pain & Chronic Illness|

If you're landing on this blog post, you have found some keynotes that Irene wanted to capture from the registration period of SmartBody SmartMind™ (SBSM) in September 2024. She highlighted an important passage from Bessel van der Kolk's book, The Body Keeps The Score, via two different social [...]

Defying all medical odds via nervous system healing (Darla’s story)

2024-08-19T11:17:54-07:00Healing Trauma, Mental Health & Neuroplasticity, Nervous System Health, Nervous System Resiliency, Pain & Chronic Illness, SmartBody SmartMind|

Today, we’ve got another classic, long-form interview to share with you…  Darla is a longstanding member of SmartBody SmartMind™ – she first went through this 12-week program in 2017 and has done it every round since, learning new things each time.  While her healing is ongoing, her story [...]

Is it possible to be in fight, flight, and freeze at the same time?

2024-07-31T10:09:46-07:00Healing Trauma, Nervous System Health, Pain & Chronic Illness, Trauma & Survival Physiology|

Welcome to your weekly dose of nervous system love! Today’s share is inspired by another great question from a member of my online community: "Is it possible to be in freeze and fight at the same time/switching back and forth between the two states? (I felt disconnected and [...]

How hidden trauma shows up as chronic illness (Mitch’s story)

2024-07-18T13:14:33-07:00Anger & Healthy Aggression, Healing Trauma, Nervous System Health, Pain & Chronic Illness, SmartBody SmartMind, Trauma & Survival Physiology|

Meet Mitch. Today’s share is all about his story (which echoes the story of so many people). After a nearly 20-year journey of trying to heal from chronic disease and multiple shock traumas, Mitch finally feels like he’s found the metaphorical “needle in a haystack” that he’s been [...]

Marathon Q&A with Irene Lyon

2024-06-16T00:43:40-07:00Healing Trauma, Mental Health & Neuroplasticity, Pain & Chronic Illness, Special Topic Lectures & Q&As, Trauma & Survival Physiology|

Today, I’ve got a Marathon Q&A for you. But it’s more than just another Q&A amongst the many (so many!) that I’ve done over the years. I’m sharing this particular Q&A at this particular time for a specific reason (more on that below)...  First, a couple quick notes [...]

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Medical gaslighting & healing complex chronic illness

2024-06-10T13:31:14-07:00Healing Trauma, Nervous System Health, Pain & Chronic Illness|

Since starting SBSM in February 2023, Leora has progressively experienced layers of relief and healing that many of these professionals might deem ‘impossible.’ I’m sharing a NEW interview chat with a very special guest, whose story is a testament to the fact that we do not have [...]

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When you try to heal your trauma before building nervous system capacity

2024-05-30T21:49:48-07:00Healing Trauma, Mental Health & Neuroplasticity, Pain & Chronic Illness, Special Topic Lectures & Q&As, Trauma & Survival Physiology|

What is the trouble with trying to heal your trauma before building nervous system capacity?  Billy Bob tells it like it is: And I’ll add:  I am certain that if I had only had access to what I teach others now... That my long-ass [...]

Unmasking human expression and healing spasmodic dysphonia with Donnie Hill

2024-04-18T18:24:23-07:00Pain & Chronic Illness, Practitioners & Professionals|

I’ve got another NEW chat with a returning guest to share with y’all today and it is a GOOD one. For those who are new here, didn’t catch our previous interviews, or haven’t been introduced to Donnie via this recent SBSM Alumni Panel chat (or this one), here’s [...]