Pain & Chronic Illness

Chronic syndromes, success stories relating to specific diagnoses

The undeniable link between early childhood stress and chronic illness

2024-04-21T15:02:34-07:00Nervous System Health, Nervous System Resiliency, Pain & Chronic Illness|

Scroll down for the YouTube video (and we do recommend reading the mini-article here for context). I recently listened to a brilliant interview of Anthony Kiedis, lead vocalist of the Red Hot Chili Peppers. He said something that inspired me to write this week’s email:  “The most powerful [...]

The connections between jaw tension, teeth grinding and stored survival stress

2024-04-21T15:12:10-07:00Pain & Chronic Illness, Trauma & Survival Physiology|

Today I have some NEW learning for you on a topic that keeps coming up—teeth grinding and pain in the jaw and upper neck.  For some folks, this can be traced back to old dental trauma. For others, it’s a buildup of stress from the daily grind (pun [...]

Can this work heal autoimmune disorders, neurological conditions, and other severe health issues?

2024-04-21T16:10:18-07:00Chemical Trauma & Detox, Pain & Chronic Illness|

Hi all! I get this question a lot, and so I wanted to dedicate a short blog post to it as the answer is complex. While this work can certainly help with, and even resolve these types of severe health issues, it's very important to also recognize that [...]

Healing chronic illness and growing nervous system regulation

2024-04-21T16:26:16-07:00Mental Health & Neuroplasticity, Pain & Chronic Illness|

The past couple of months, I’ve been connecting with participants from my online courses to hear their stories of learning, healing, and transformation.  And I know that the word ‘transformation’ is used a lot in the health and wellness worlds, but trust me when I say, these folks [...]