
“Healing” Gone Bad (Special Topic Lecture Replay)

2024-04-21T19:42:52-07:00Special Topic Lectures & Q&As, Spirituality & Somatic Bypass|

I wanted to do a special topic lecture on “Healing” Gone Bad because of the many emails, social media messages, and stories from my past clients and current online students, telling the tales of “healing” modalities and others sorts of trauma releasing techniques rendering them not only NOT [...]

Tell The Truth

2024-04-30T14:31:08-07:00Irene's Musings|

Tell your truth. Tell THE truth. Please. This doesn’t mean you won’t be challenged, or feel some tough stuff, but it is essential for our health to tell our truth. Keeping it in can kill us slowly if we are not careful, and in my opinion it simply isn’t worth it. [...]

Why your “healthy lifestyle” routine needs to include healing your nervous system

2024-04-26T19:37:09-07:00Healthy Nervous System Lifestyle|

'. A participant in one of my programs improved her blood chemistry, decreased her pain by 90% and reduced her inflammation. And she did it all by focusing on one thing: reducing the over-activation of the autonomic nervous system. "But what about eating healthy and exercising?" you ask. Yes, [...]

An Epidemic of Chronic Illness: How Stress, Trauma & Adversity Early in Life Impacts Our Capacity to Heal

2024-04-26T19:38:27-07:00Nervous System Health, Pain & Chronic Illness|

Are you that person who has tried dozens of therapies and treatments? Can you relate to trying a gazillion different cleanses and elimination diets (plus every kind of mind-body technique under the sun)? Do you still find yourself struggling with tricky to treat symptoms and wondering if you’ll [...]

How To Live Longer with Less Sickness. Part 2: The Goldilocks Nature of Cortisol.

2024-04-26T19:40:40-07:00Nervous System Health, Pain & Chronic Illness|

In Part 1 of this series, How To Live Longer with Less Sickness, I wrote about the importance of not scaring yourself into stress reactivity 24/7 and becoming more aware when it does happen. If you haven’t read this piece, I’d start HERE, and then come back to [...]