healthy nervous system lifestyle

Consistency, self-trust & knowing when to let go for living your best life

2024-04-21T15:19:31-07:00Healthy Nervous System Lifestyle, Practitioners & Professionals|

Are you interested in creating consistent vitality in your life?  I ask this because today I have a special guest who specializes in helping folks, typically women* in their forties and up, create more well-being through the power of consistent practices and various shifts in mindset and behaviour, [...]

A deep dive into hormonal health (for the ladies) with Kitty Martone

2024-04-30T13:45:57-07:00Practitioners & Professionals, Special Topic Lectures & Q&As|

Hello friends,  If you’ve been around for a  year or so with me, you may recognize my guest today, Kitty Martone, aka: Healthy Gut Girl.  Last year, I had Kitty on my channel to talk about all things gut health and sleep, and we touched on hormonal health. [...]