nervous system education

Two absolute truths when choosing a nervous system teacher or online program

2024-05-23T13:35:16-07:00Healing Trauma, Nervous System Health, Practitioners & Professionals|

Two absolute truths when it comes to choosing your nervous system teacher, plus some key differentiating factors that I believe set my 12-week nervous system rewire curriculum, aka: SmartBody SmartMind (SBSM)™ apart from other online nervous system courses: Absolute truth #1: Who is the teacher? One thing that is [...]

Why survival-based eating might be keeping you dysregulated, up at night, and irritable.

2024-04-20T18:28:10-07:00Mental Health & Neuroplasticity, Practitioners & Professionals|

I’ve got a very special treat for you today—an expert guest interview with Jessica Ash. She’s a Functional Nutritionist and self-proclaimed “hormone nerd” who’s here to teach you how to use food to become FULLY NOURISHED.  I found her on Instagram less than a year ago, while working [...]