Why hello there!
I’m writing this month to you from a rainy Austria as I take a little downtime after a full month of travel and teaching.
While words cannot convey the amount of learning, goodness, and witnessing that have taken place over the past 30 days, here’s me trying to find a few to share with you: Blessed, grateful, excited.
![brighton blurry blog update](https://irenelyon.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/brighton-blurry.png)
Up & Down participants in Brighton getting their movement & awareness on. The beauty of the Up & Down play is that we work with principles, not set steps …and when we do this, we find our true individuality and creative expression. From here, we heal at all levels.
Today I want to give you a review of the vlogs that I’ve put out the past month along with some important information for upcoming online offerings and future workshops.
I’ll end with a passage I shared with our Up & Down workshops participants in Stockholm; a reminder of sorts for what we need to focus on for deep healing to take place.
Vlog Posts
The 5 stages of neuroplastic healing
Is a Kundalini awakening the same as coming out of the freeze response?
Online Offerings
Drop-In (Online) Classes
Join me for one of my online drop-in classes so you can put a few more ‘drops’ of nervous system learning and practice into your system. This class is suitable for all levels and is a perfect opportunity to connect with me, our global community, and put nervous system capacity building principles into practice.
(All online classes are recorded and sent to you via email after class is over. This means you can attend live, or attend after we finish. It also means you can review the class again and again!).
Have you started the 21-Day Nervous System Tune-Up?
I want to make sure you know about my online self-study course, The 21-Day Nervous System Tune-Up. This starter course is a perfect way to start your learning with me and my team so you can start to become your own medicine. As we approach the end of the year, consider how life might be if you start this now? My students have shown time and time again that when we have nervous system education that’s not dumbed down, along with solid practices that speak to our biology, everyone wins.
Workshop Updates
As I mentioned above, I just finished teaching four workshops in Sweden and the UK and am heading back home to teach my final workshop of the year December 5-8 at 1440 Multiversity. If you would like to attend this one-of-a-kind workshop, or stay informed about future workshops just head over here.
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Thank you for keeping up to date with what my team and I are up to and taking in what you are pulled towards.
I wanted to end with a passage from a book that was with me throughout my trip. It speaks to the importance of connecting with both sides of ourselves: the inside of us that is ours and the outside that influences and informs us:
“The search to find one’s true self is presented as a dynamic tension between two poles – an inner and an outer. On the one hand is the inner life of reflection, self-analysis, and mediation; on the other hand is the life of relationship to the outer world and service. A true pathway for the soul – that is, one that leads to honest, objective knowledge of ones’ real nature – follows a balanced course. The “study of self” is looking both inward and outward.” – Discovering Your Soul’s Purpose. Mark Thurston.
Remember you have the power to change the world by the smallest of actions and every drop counts. Trust me.