building capacity

Can focusing on body sensations lead to more nervous system dysregulation?

2024-07-20T10:06:31-07:00Healing Trauma, Mental Health & Neuroplasticity, Nervous System Health, Nervous System Resiliency, Trauma & Survival Physiology|

Today’s share is another in my series of short vlogs to address specific questions, like this one: "Can focusing on sensations also lead to even more dysregulation (i.e., focusing on the breath when in freeze, focussing on butterflies in tummy when hyperaroused) because it kind of emphasizes the [...]

Two absolute truths when choosing a nervous system teacher or online program

2024-05-23T13:35:16-07:00Healing Trauma, Nervous System Health, Practitioners & Professionals|

Two absolute truths when it comes to choosing your nervous system teacher, plus some key differentiating factors that I believe set my 12-week nervous system rewire curriculum, aka: SmartBody SmartMind (SBSM)™ apart from other online nervous system courses: Absolute truth #1: Who is the teacher? One thing that is [...]

The power of building capacity and following biological impulses: SBSM Success with Jerika

2024-04-20T13:24:06-07:00Anger & Healthy Aggression, Healthy Nervous System Lifestyle|

I am excited to share a short video with you today (just under 7 mins), that’s from a long form interview with one of my SmartBody SmartMind (SBSM) students, Jerika (the full interview comes out Monday, February 19). In this short clip she speaks about: All the “weird” [...]