
A deep dive into hormonal health (for the ladies) with Kitty Martone

2024-04-30T13:45:57-07:00Practitioners & Professionals, Special Topic Lectures & Q&As|

Hello friends,  If you’ve been around for a  year or so with me, you may recognize my guest today, Kitty Martone, aka: Healthy Gut Girl.  Last year, I had Kitty on my channel to talk about all things gut health and sleep, and we touched on hormonal health. [...]

How migraines, chronic anxiety, & unhealed early trauma connect

2024-04-21T17:27:33-07:00Mental Health & Neuroplasticity, Parenting & Child Development|

I think the title of this new video says it all: How migraines, chronic anxiety, & unhealed early trauma connect.  What is interesting here is that we could replace the term ‘migraine’ with: -Chronic fatigue -Fibromyalgia -Autoimmunity -Chronic pain -Irritable bowel syndrome -Raynauds -POTS As well as ‘chronic [...]

“My baseline pain scale is now zero” The power of starting, learning, & healing

2024-04-21T18:29:33-07:00Pain & Chronic Illness, Practitioners & Professionals|

Earlier this year, I shared a letter that one of my 21-day nervous system tune-up alums sent my way, expressing her joy and gratitude for the multi-level healing she experienced this past year.  Today, I have an interview chat to share with you, wherein we dive into her [...]

Why the body is so important when healing our stored up stress & traumas

2024-04-21T18:48:16-07:00Trauma & Survival Physiology|

Today’s video (under ten minutes!) will remind you, or maybe teach you for the first time, why working with the body is important when healing stored up stress and trauma.  When I say ‘body’ I mean more than muscles and movement.  While those are indeed important, as mentioned [...]

How suppressing our emotions and physiology can lead to depression

2024-04-30T14:18:06-07:00Mental Health & Neuroplasticity, Trauma & Survival Physiology|

I LOVED recording this latest vlog for you, because it tied in many different topics (plus I got to read a passage from one of my favourite books!).  Today I dive into topics like the importance of expressing physical pain at the visceral and primal animal levels. I [...]