Somatic Experiencing

This lady deserves a gold star! My long-form interview with Kathy Kain.

2024-04-26T18:14:16-07:00Parenting & Child Development, Trauma & Survival Physiology|

I want you to meet Kathy Kain. Some of you may know her as my mentor (and colleague) who has deeply influenced my work. Many of you have experienced her work via my online program SmartBody SmartMind™. But even if you haven’t heard of her, if you stick around and [...]

How to Tell the Difference Between Fear and Frustration.

2024-04-26T21:01:28-07:00Irene's Musings, Trauma & Survival Physiology|

Could Frustration Be The New Fear? Is fear something that you can sit with, and be with, and ponder? Do you say to yourself, "I have so much fear around 'xyz' and I have to figure out how to move forward"? I'd love to suggest that maybe semantics are [...]

The environmentalist in me has this to say

2024-04-26T21:06:37-07:00Healthy Nervous System Lifestyle|

I must start with a piece from environmentalist Paul Hawken. He writes in The Ecology of Commerce – A Declaration of Sustainability: “In our pursuit of growth at any cost, we have mimicked an immature ecosystem with unlimited resources. A mature economic system would appreciate an ancient forest [...]