stored survival stress

Why the body is so important when healing our stored up stress & traumas

2024-04-21T18:48:16-07:00Trauma & Survival Physiology|

Today’s video (under ten minutes!) will remind you, or maybe teach you for the first time, why working with the body is important when healing stored up stress and trauma.  When I say ‘body’ I mean more than muscles and movement.  While those are indeed important, as mentioned [...]

When love is not enough & functional medicine for the nervous system with Dr. Aimie

2024-04-21T19:34:34-07:00Practitioners & Professionals, Relationships & Social Connection|

I’m stoked to share a shiny new interview chat with one of my Somatic Experiencing colleagues, Dr. Aimie Apigian.  Dr. Aimie entered into the world of developmental trauma and all things nervous system health when she adopted a little human while in medical school (crazy, I know!).  In [...]

The origin story of procrastination, self-sabotage, and fleeing from health

2024-04-26T14:32:18-07:00Mental Health & Neuroplasticity|

I thought this might be a perfect time to share what was without a doubt the most popular (liked, commented, shared) social media post of 2020. It’s got to do with the subject line you see here: the origin story of procrastination, self-sabotage, and fleeing from health; and because this concept hit [...]