
Intergenerational trauma – on feeling (and healing) the pain of our ancestors

“Pain travels through families until someone is ready to feel it.” - Stephi Wagner Intergenerational trauma is trauma that’s been passed down through generations; also known as generational, transgenerational, or ancestral trauma.  This is never a fun one to write about, but it is true that we ‘keep’ [...]

2024-04-20T15:42:08-07:00Parenting & Child Development|

A holistic approach to restoring health at all levels with bariatric surgeon Dr. Erika La Vella

Today I have a NEW expert guest interview for you with the brilliant Dr. Erika La Vella.  She’s a board-certified bariatric surgeon (caring for patients with obesity), with a passion for preventative medicine and teaching people how to heal their gut in ways that go way beyond diet [...]

How to help anxious kids who are behaving ‘badly,’ with Stephen Terrell

I’m re-sharing an important interview featuring my wonderful mentor and colleague, Stephen Terrell. Here’s what we’ll cover: What this ‘bad’ behaviour actually is from a nervous system perspective. Why attempts to fix or change this behaviour are often futile (and what parents can do instead!). Why even parents [...]

Want to Become a Master Somatic Practitioner? Here’s What It Will Take.

A doctor goes to medical school.  A lawyer goes to law school.  A master somatic practitioner goes to…there’s really no equivalent in the worlds of somatic healing, working with trauma, and nervous system health. Yet.  I’m working on changing that!  But for those considering this path, I want [...]

2024-04-20T16:13:23-07:00Trauma & Survival Physiology|

Mental Health and Illness – The Nervous System Connection

This article is an update of a blog post originally published in July 2019.  Some important context, four years on: The unpredictability of our world is now apparent and our need for healing, increasingly urgent. As the paradigm of conventional “wisdom” around our health and well-being shifts, it’s [...]