Mental Health & Neuroplasticity

Includes ADHD, OCD, anxiety, depression, mindfulness, brain-NS connection, etc.

How to become more accountable with your health practices

2024-04-20T14:57:01-07:00Healthy Nervous System Lifestyle, Mental Health & Neuroplasticity|

If you struggle with self-accountability, resistance, or procrastination…or feel like you rely on others (gurus, coaches, accountability buddies) to do the “right” thing for your own health and wellness…this week’s short and sweet vlog is for you. In it, I cover:  Where this lack [...]

Meditation & Mindfulness 101. An interview with Chris Dierkes

2024-04-20T15:36:36-07:00Mental Health & Neuroplasticity, Practitioners & Professionals, Spirituality & Somatic Bypass|

Many people ask me if meditation, mindfulness, yoga, and other mind-body practices will help them heal. This is a loaded question that’s difficult to answer in a few words. So today I’m re-sharing an important long-form interview with my colleague, mentor, and friend Chris Dierkes. “Meditation & Mindfulness [...]

Mental Health and Illness – The Nervous System Connection

2024-07-15T10:13:28-07:00Mental Health & Neuroplasticity, Pain & Chronic Illness|

This article is an update of a blog post originally published in July 2019.  Some important context, four years on: The unpredictability of our world is now apparent and our need for healing, increasingly urgent. As the paradigm of conventional “wisdom” around our health and well-being shifts, it’s [...]

The origin story of procrastination, self-sabotage, & fleeing from health

2024-04-20T16:59:02-07:00Mental Health & Neuroplasticity|

Find yourself regularly fleeing from what you want or need to do for your health and happiness? Not really sure why?  I’ve got a good one for you today: The origin story of procrastination, self-sabotage, & fleeing from health. The vlog was inspired by my most popular social [...]

Why my students’ plants start thriving when they get regulated

2024-04-20T17:43:08-07:00Healthy Nervous System Lifestyle, Mental Health & Neuroplasticity|

Many of the students going through my online courses report benefits—better health, stronger relationships, deeper sleep, greater focus, more energy, and greater connection to their life purpose.  And one that may come as a surprise…HEALTHIER HOUSEPLANTS.  As they do the work to heal trauma and restore regulation back [...]

The Force of Resistance & How to Use It to Your Advantage

2024-04-20T17:45:27-07:00Healthy Nervous System Lifestyle, Mental Health & Neuroplasticity|

This article is an update of a blog post originally published in December 2015. * * * Feeling stuck?  Like you’re hitting a brick wall?  Pulled back into the same self-defeating patterns again and again by some kind of magnetic force?  You might be experiencing resistance. Two things [...]

Healing Sexual Trauma – A Somatic & Nervous System Approach

2024-04-20T18:04:15-07:00Mental Health & Neuroplasticity, Trauma & Survival Physiology|

A few years ago, I released an important special topic lecture that I’m re-sharing today—Healing Sexual Trauma (A Somatic & Nervous System Approach).  Because this topic is so broad (ranging from sexual abuse to surgical trauma involving the sex organs) and complex, this lecture landed for many.  After [...]