early developmental trauma

Preverbal terror: how to identify, release & work with it

2024-10-03T10:11:35-07:00Early and Developmental Trauma, Healing Trauma, Nervous System Health|

This week, I’m sharing my answer to another great question from a member of this community: “How do you identify and release preverbal terror from the body, how do you even get to it?” First, here’s a quick definition for those who may not be familiar:  Preverbal terror [...]

Can you have “too much trauma” for an online course? Hosannah’s story.

2024-08-21T09:25:16-07:00Healing Trauma, Nervous System Resiliency, SmartBody SmartMind, Trauma & Survival Physiology|

I’ve TRULY been looking forward to sharing this powerful new video testimonial with you. It comes from Hosannah, a SmartBody SmartMind™ (SBSM) student who joined my 12-week nervous system rewire program after completing the 21 Day Nervous System Tune-Up course. Hosannah went into SBSM feeling “skeptical but hopeful.” [...]

How hidden trauma shows up as chronic illness (Mitch’s story)

2024-07-18T13:14:33-07:00Anger & Healthy Aggression, Healing Trauma, Nervous System Health, Pain & Chronic Illness, SmartBody SmartMind, Trauma & Survival Physiology|

Meet Mitch. Today’s share is all about his story (which echoes the story of so many people). After a nearly 20-year journey of trying to heal from chronic disease and multiple shock traumas, Mitch finally feels like he’s found the metaphorical “needle in a haystack” that he’s been [...]

Is daycare a good idea? Breaking down a controversial video I shared on Instagram.

2024-05-22T14:01:49-07:00Healing Trauma, Nervous System Health, Parenting & Child Development, Relationships & Social Connection, Trauma & Survival Physiology|

Every now and then, I share something on my social media channels that’s a bit controversial. I always share these things with the intention to educate and inform, from a trauma and nervous system POV, on a topic that I believe is important, not to be provocative just [...]

Unmasking human expression and healing spasmodic dysphonia with Donnie Hill

2024-04-18T18:24:23-07:00Pain & Chronic Illness, Practitioners & Professionals|

I’ve got another NEW chat with a returning guest to share with y’all today and it is a GOOD one. For those who are new here, didn’t catch our previous interviews, or haven’t been introduced to Donnie via this recent SBSM Alumni Panel chat (or this one), here’s [...]

Five possible reasons you’re not an SBSM member… yet.

2025-02-25T06:48:28-08:00Healthy Nervous System Lifestyle, Mental Health & Neuroplasticity|

In case you're new here or not yet aware, SmartBody SmartMind (SBSM) is my signature lifetime membership online curriculum that we run in live 12 week 'semesters,' for new members and returning alumni, 1-2 times per year. Registration for SBSM is NOW OPEN to new members (Feb 25 [...]

Intergenerational trauma – on feeling (and healing) the pain of our ancestors

2024-04-20T15:42:08-07:00Parenting & Child Development|

“Pain travels through families until someone is ready to feel it.” - Stephi Wagner Intergenerational trauma is trauma that’s been passed down through generations; also known as generational, transgenerational, or ancestral trauma.  This is never a fun one to write about, but it is true that we ‘keep’ [...]

A holistic approach to restoring health at all levels with bariatric surgeon Dr. Erika La Vella

2024-04-20T15:51:47-07:00Pain & Chronic Illness, Practitioners & Professionals|

Today I have a NEW expert guest interview for you with the brilliant Dr. Erika La Vella.  She’s a board-certified bariatric surgeon (caring for patients with obesity), with a passion for preventative medicine and teaching people how to heal their gut in ways that go way beyond diet [...]

How to help anxious kids who are behaving ‘badly,’ with Stephen Terrell

2024-04-20T15:59:04-07:00Parenting & Child Development, Practitioners & Professionals|

I’m re-sharing an important interview featuring my wonderful mentor and colleague, Stephen Terrell. Here’s what we’ll cover: What this ‘bad’ behaviour actually is from a nervous system perspective. Why attempts to fix or change this behaviour are often futile (and what parents can do instead!). Why even parents [...]