functional freeze

Can focusing on body sensations lead to more nervous system dysregulation?

2024-07-20T10:06:31-07:00Healing Trauma, Mental Health & Neuroplasticity, Nervous System Health, Nervous System Resiliency, Trauma & Survival Physiology|

Today’s share is another in my series of short vlogs to address specific questions, like this one: "Can focusing on sensations also lead to even more dysregulation (i.e., focusing on the breath when in freeze, focussing on butterflies in tummy when hyperaroused) because it kind of emphasizes the [...]

Why meditating & cold plunging in paradise won’t heal your trauma

2024-04-20T17:18:02-07:00Spirituality & Somatic Bypass|

Today I’m re-sharing one of my all-time favourite nervous system healing success stories, featuring my husband and colleague, Seth Lyon.  “Why meditating & cold plunging in paradise won’t heal your trauma.”  (We gave it this title because that is exactly what Seth attempted to do.) After a traumatizing [...]

How stored trauma creates somatic symptoms (aka chronic illness)

2024-04-20T17:34:18-07:00Pain & Chronic Illness, Trauma & Survival Physiology|

What is a chronic illness? Why do we experience chronic symptoms? What can we do to find relief?  These are all important questions.  And I provide answers (in under ten minutes!) in this vlog: How stored trauma creates somatic symptoms (aka chronic illness). Chronic illnesses abound (especially in [...]

Healing Sexual Trauma – A Somatic & Nervous System Approach

2024-04-20T18:04:15-07:00Mental Health & Neuroplasticity, Trauma & Survival Physiology|

A few years ago, I released an important special topic lecture that I’m re-sharing today—Healing Sexual Trauma (A Somatic & Nervous System Approach).  Because this topic is so broad (ranging from sexual abuse to surgical trauma involving the sex organs) and complex, this lecture landed for many.  After [...]

The connections between jaw tension, teeth grinding and stored survival stress

2024-04-21T15:12:10-07:00Pain & Chronic Illness, Trauma & Survival Physiology|

Today I have some NEW learning for you on a topic that keeps coming up—teeth grinding and pain in the jaw and upper neck.  For some folks, this can be traced back to old dental trauma. For others, it’s a buildup of stress from the daily grind (pun [...]

How to come out of a chronic freeze response after repeated stress & trauma

2024-04-21T16:23:42-07:00Mental Health & Neuroplasticity, Trauma & Survival Physiology|

This is one of the BIGGEST questions I get. How does a person come out of a chronic shutdown and functional freeze stress physiology after they've been shutdown and not able to feel or process past emotions, memories and sensations effectively, or for many, not at all. This [...]