nervous system

5 tell tale signs that your coaching clients have undiagnosed trauma (and what you can do to help them heal from it)

2024-04-30T14:33:20-07:00Mental Health & Neuroplasticity, Practitioners & Professionals|

The transformational industry is HOT right now. There are so many coaches and wellness professionals out there who want to make a difference by helping their clients improve their lives, relationships and businesses. The act of helping others is humanity at its finest. But too many coaches get [...]

Lessons from a mama monkey (the silent epidemic that’s not being talked about)

2024-04-26T19:55:10-07:00Nervous System Health, Nervous System Resiliency, Parenting & Child Development|

. I can't wait to share this new vlog with you. I filmed this while in the Philippines and it’s something very dear to my heart. Plus, there’s some bittersweetness attached to the message + education within. Head over to watch the beauty of natural child rearing, and learn [...]

A few unknown causes for anxiety. (Things your doctor would never ask you.)

2024-04-26T19:57:53-07:00Mental Health & Neuroplasticity, Nervous System Health, Nervous System Resiliency|

. A while back, I remember listening to this business guy tell his tale about the crippling anxiety he faced growing up. At the end of the talk, he invited the audience to ask questions. I asked him if he had ever heard about how early childhood stressors, especially [...]

Why post-traumatic stress and chronic pain lands in some people, and not others.

2024-04-26T20:00:06-07:00Nervous System Health, Pain & Chronic Illness|

. Imagine you have two people who both get into an identical, and minor, fender bender (car accident). >> Person A walks away with zero post-traumatic stress - no chronic pain, no lasting whiplash, no fear to drive and get back behind the wheel. They go back to their [...]