somatic bypass

The connection between nervous system regulation & spiritual development

2024-04-20T14:16:42-07:00Spirituality & Somatic Bypass, Trauma & Survival Physiology|

I get this question a fair bit, so here’s a short video on the connection between increased nervous system regulation and spiritual development.  (And by the way: this is not about religion or practicing a certain faith per se; it is about a stronger and deeper connection to [...]

Meditation & Mindfulness 101. An interview with Chris Dierkes

2024-04-20T15:36:36-07:00Mental Health & Neuroplasticity, Practitioners & Professionals, Spirituality & Somatic Bypass|

Many people ask me if meditation, mindfulness, yoga, and other mind-body practices will help them heal. This is a loaded question that’s difficult to answer in a few words. So today I’m re-sharing an important long-form interview with my colleague, mentor, and friend Chris Dierkes. “Meditation & Mindfulness [...]

Why meditating & cold plunging in paradise won’t heal your trauma

2024-04-20T17:18:02-07:00Spirituality & Somatic Bypass|

Today I’m re-sharing one of my all-time favourite nervous system healing success stories, featuring my husband and colleague, Seth Lyon.  “Why meditating & cold plunging in paradise won’t heal your trauma.”  (We gave it this title because that is exactly what Seth attempted to do.) After a traumatizing [...]

How to properly use breath when healing trauma and the nervous system

2024-04-21T04:04:26-07:00Spirituality & Somatic Bypass, Trauma & Survival Physiology|

I have a short video for you on an important nervous system health basic—the breath (and how to use it properly when healing trauma at the nervous system level). There is SO much misinformation out there right now surrounding this topic in the mind-body healing world, so I [...]