stored survival stress

2 Little Known Facts to Help You Calm Down When You’re Overwhelmed

2024-04-26T20:16:41-07:00Free Stuff, Nervous System Health, Nervous System Resiliency, Trauma & Survival Physiology|

After working with clients, both in my practice and in my online courses, I’ve come to see that overwhelm and emotional angst are a MASSIVE problem in our culture. Have you heard this saying: “What we resist persists”? This is so important when it comes to helping [...]

Trouble losing weight? Got an addiction? (Origins of *The ACE Study*)

2024-04-26T20:19:03-07:00Nervous System Health, Nervous System Resiliency, Trauma & Survival Physiology|

. This is... "An unconscious solution to unrecognized problems dating back to childhood." -- Vincent Felitti, the discoverer of The Adverse Childhood Experiences Study, aka: The ACE Study . This unconscious solution is carrying excess body fat. We're at that time in the year when health and wellness professionals and [...]

Why Waking Up the Tiger is Essential to Break-Free from Feeling Trapped

2024-04-26T20:42:56-07:00Healthy Nervous System Lifestyle, Trauma & Survival Physiology|

. I received this question from a member of our community: What does waking the tiger actually mean? "Waking up the tiger" means waking up our fight-flight survival energy impulses. In this video, I explain to you where the term came from and why it's important to your nervous [...]

The 3 Top Reasons Back Pain NEVER Goes Away – Reason #1 “Being Stuck In A Functional Freeze Pattern”

2024-04-26T21:23:42-07:00Movement. Awareness., Nervous System Resiliency, Pain & Chronic Illness|

Have you flown on a plane before? You know that feeling when they pressurize the cabin? If you pay close attention when they do this you'll actually experience a significant shift in your body physiology. Spaces that aren't very big, like your inner ear canals, feel heavy and might [...]