Welcome to your weekly dose of nervous system love!

Today’s share is inspired by another great question from a member of my online community:

“Is it possible to be in freeze and fight at the same time/switching back and forth between the two states? (I felt disconnected and fatigued, followed by an adrenaline rush and vice versa.)”

My NEW Q&A educational vlog is the answer to this question.

Here are some of the key points I get into:

  • A quick run-down of the various portions & branches of the autonomic nervous system 
  • An analogy for the difference between high & low tone dorsal of the parasympathetic
  • An extension of this analogy to explain how & why the system “flips” between states 
  • Some examples of the symptoms & syndromes we might experience as a result 
  • How we can heal this particular “type” of dysregulation (titration, aka: doing little bits, slowly, and working with the stress organs* through touch and intention are both KEY)

TLDR? It IS possible to be in fight/flight AND freeze at the same time, and for us to “ping-pong” between the two, but one of these two survival stress responses will also be more dominant… 

WATCH: ‘Is it possible to be in fight, flight, and freeze at the same time?’ to learn more >