
Healthy guts, hormones, sleep & a lot more with Kitty Martone

Most of you probably don’t know this, but before I got into nervous system work, healing trauma, and all things neuroplasticity, I majored in exercise and biomedical science, as well as applied human nutrition (all these details are on my about page).  I studied nutrition and all the [...]

Titration. Why it’s important when healing trauma

Most months* I do a live special topic lecture covering a topic that I know from professional and personal experience is essential education for optimal nervous system health, healing trauma, and all things neuroplasticity.  Today I want to highlight what I covered back in September - it had [...]

Why the body is so important when healing our stored up stress & traumas

Today’s video (under ten minutes!) will remind you, or maybe teach you for the first time, why working with the body is important when healing stored up stress and trauma.  When I say ‘body’ I mean more than muscles and movement.  While those are indeed important, as mentioned [...]

2024-04-21T18:48:16-07:00Trauma & Survival Physiology|