Today, we’ve got another classic, long-form interview to share with you… 

Darla is a longstanding member of SmartBody SmartMind™ – she first went through this 12-week program in 2017 and has done it every round since, learning new things each time. 

While her healing is ongoing, her story so far is just incredible.

Even her doctors can’t explain the positive shifts they are now seeing in her body. But, as Darla shares, THIS kind of healing runs deeper and ripples out further than the physical changes… 

Here are just some of the topics we get into in our chat:

  • The power of creative expression & Darla’s new work as an art therapist
  • How she came to live with syringomyelia & her experience with treatments
  • Why SBSM has worked so well for Darla where all other therapies fell short
  • The importance of identifying as a survivor & not getting stuck in victimhood
  • The difference that attitude makes & the role that Darla’s own faith has played

While the symptoms she lives with are specific to her various traumas and the way her system has responded, don’t let that fool you. There’s something so universal and relatable about Darla.

If you’re looking for a reason to hang on to hope, then don’t miss this interview.

My sense is her gentle optimism and determined faith (despite significant adversity) might just be the inspiration that YOU need to keep going.

To your nervous system health & healing!

References & resources mentioned in this video: 

SBSM Panels with Darla

SBSM Alumni Panel: Nervous system health & healing in action! (September 19, 2022) 

(amazing) SBSM Alumni Panel Chat. Longstanding Alum share their nervous system healing stories (February 17, 2023)

Special Q&A with a panel of our SBSM Alumni (September 15, 2023)

Special Panel with our SBSM Alumni sharing their unique nervous system healing stories (February 9, 2024)

* * *

Neuroplastic healing sequencing 

Instagram post with Seth (Why we must play for health) 

Medical gaslighting & healing complex chronic illness with Leora Leboff 

Near-death experiences (NDE’s), anesthesia states, surgical procedures: Potential medical problems that can follow and how to heal 

Here for the Truth Podcast with Joel Rafidi & Yerasimos. Episode 182: Irene Lyon and Max Lowen | Healing from Satanic Ritual Abuse 

➤ “Satan’s Children: Shocking True Accounts of Satanism, Abuse, and Multiple Personality”(book)

What causes dissociation and what it takes to heal 

“Forgive to Live” by Dr. Dick Tibbits with Steve Halliday (book)

“Forgive to Live” by Dr. Dick Tibbits with Steve Halliday (workbook)

➤ “Learning to Love Yourself: A Guide to Becoming Centered” by Gay Hendricks Ph.D (book) 

Seth Lyon’s Original Healing Music (6 tracks; 1 hour 45 minutes) (note, these are free tracks, different than the tracks Darla is refering to. If you want the tracks she is talking about they are for sale here, or available for free as part of joining SmartBody SmartMind)

The difference between being a victim and identifying yourself as one 

This is what it takes to heal victim mentality

SmartBody SmartMind™ (SBSM) Program Syllabus