trauma release

Debunking 7 myths around healing trauma & nervous system regulation

2024-04-21T03:42:56-07:00Healthy Nervous System Lifestyle, Trauma & Survival Physiology|

I’m seeing a lot more talk about all things trauma, nervous system health, and healing out in the world these days.  This is a good thing. More of us need to wake up to this area of health and healing that’s been overlooked. AND… I’ve also noticed a [...]

A real-life example of an organic trauma release

2024-04-21T04:27:47-07:00Nervous System Health, Nervous System Resiliency, Trauma & Survival Physiology|

Scroll down for the YouTube video (and we do recommend reading the mini-article here for context). If you’re reading this, you’re probably curious to know what releasing trauma from the body actually looks like. (Or, for those who have been learning with me for a while, deactivating stored [...]

Why the body is so important when healing our stored up stress & traumas

2024-04-21T18:48:16-07:00Trauma & Survival Physiology|

Today’s video (under ten minutes!) will remind you, or maybe teach you for the first time, why working with the body is important when healing stored up stress and trauma.  When I say ‘body’ I mean more than muscles and movement.  While those are indeed important, as mentioned [...]