
Why survival-based eating might be keeping you dysregulated, up at night, and irritable.

2024-04-20T18:28:10-07:00Mental Health & Neuroplasticity, Practitioners & Professionals|

I’ve got a very special treat for you today—an expert guest interview with Jessica Ash. She’s a Functional Nutritionist and self-proclaimed “hormone nerd” who’s here to teach you how to use food to become FULLY NOURISHED.  I found her on Instagram less than a year ago, while working [...]

Healing chronic illness and growing nervous system regulation

2024-04-21T16:26:16-07:00Mental Health & Neuroplasticity, Pain & Chronic Illness|

The past couple of months, I’ve been connecting with participants from my online courses to hear their stories of learning, healing, and transformation.  And I know that the word ‘transformation’ is used a lot in the health and wellness worlds, but trust me when I say, these folks [...]

How migraines, chronic anxiety, & unhealed early trauma connect

2024-04-21T17:27:33-07:00Mental Health & Neuroplasticity, Parenting & Child Development|

I think the title of this new video says it all: How migraines, chronic anxiety, & unhealed early trauma connect.  What is interesting here is that we could replace the term ‘migraine’ with: -Chronic fatigue -Fibromyalgia -Autoimmunity -Chronic pain -Irritable bowel syndrome -Raynauds -POTS As well as ‘chronic [...]

How high stress jobs impact us (and how to de-stress)

2024-04-26T14:59:09-07:00Healthy Nervous System Lifestyle, Mental Health & Neuroplasticity|

It goes without saying that stress impacts pretty much most humans to a certain degree. And it most definitely impacts those living in more westernized and industrialized places and spaces. If we aren’t careful, these stresses can accumulate and create what some call ‘toxicity’ with our body-mind interfaces, [...]